126 research outputs found

    Дослідження гострої та хронічної токсичності експериментального препарату «Феросел Т»

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    In the article the brought results over of sharp and chronic toxicness of new preparation dextran of iron «Ferosel Т», that in the composition contains Iron and Selenium. It was set that preparation of «Ferosel Т» in prophylactic and therapeutic doses and in a dose in 3 times of any more than therapeutic, at peroral introduction a 3 twenty-four hours in succession did not show a toxic action laboratory rats. At the terms of hypodermic introduction of preparation the death of white rats it was not, it is only set brief oppression of laboratory animals, animals preparations were given that in a dose 10 ml/kg. It is set that in prophylactic and optimal therapeutic doses preparation did not influence on the detoxication function of liver. For rats, what was entered Ferosel T in maximal therapeutic and maybe toxic doses, duration of a dream from Hexenalum was on 32 and 35 percents more relation than control sizes. The toxicness of Ferosel Т was also studied on the indexes of irritating action(after dermic test and testis on conjunctiva), action of allergy (a method of applique on a skin) and determined the coefficients of mass of internalss at great while of introduction of preparation. For animals Ferosel Т was entered that in a dose 10 ml/kg during a 21 twenty-four hours, motive activity some went down. Research of emotional and behavior reactions of laboratory animals after introduction of Ferosel Т during a 21 twenty-four hours in therapeutic and maximally therapeutic doses did not show substantial influence on the nervous system. On the indexes of hyperemia and edema of skin and thickness of skin fold of Ferosel Т in prophylactic and therapeutic doses at an applique on the skin of crawls did not cause a local irritating action. Separate injection of preparation of «Ferosel Т» for 0,1 ml did not cause the filling out reaction of paws guinea-pigs. As a result of undertaken studies it is not educed allergen properties at preparation of «Ferosel Т». For laboratory rats, Ferosel Т was entered that in a prophylactic dose it is not set reliable changes of coefficients of mass of heart, liver, spleen and kidneys. For rats Ferosel Т was entered that in an optimal therapeutic dose, in comparing to control mass of spleen and liver was accordingly on 10.3 and 6.4% anymore. At introduction of Ferosel Т to the maximally therapeutic dose mass of spleen and liver was accordingly on 14.0 and 15.0% anymore. The got results of researches specify that preparation of Ferosel Т is safe at application for a prophylaxis and treatment of animals.В статье приведены результаты острой и хронической токсичности нового феродекстранового препарата «Феросел Т», который в своем составе содержит Ферум и Селен. Установлено, что препарат «Феросел Т» в профилактической и терапевтической дозах и в дозе в 3 раза большей за терапевтическую, за перорального введения лабораторным крысам 3 сутки подряд ни проявлял токсического действия. В условиях подкожного введения препарата гибели белых крыс не было, только установлено кратковременное угнетение лабораторных животных, которым задавали препарат в дозе 10 мл/кг м.ж. Установлено, что в профилактической и оптимальной терапевтической дозах не влиял на детоксикационную функцию печени. У крыс, которым феросел Т вводили в максимальной терапевтической и возможно токсической дозах, продолжительность гексеналового сна была на 32 и 35% больше относительно контрольных величин. Токсичность феросела Т также изучали по показателям раздражающего действия (по кожной и конъюнктивальной пробами), аллергизирующего действия (метод аппликации на кожу) и определяли коэффициенты массы внутренних органов при длительном введения препарата. У животных, которым вводили феросел Т в дозе 10 мл/кг в течение 21 суток, несколько снижалась двигательная активность. Исследование эмоционально-поведенческих реакций лабораторных животных после введения феросела Т течение 21 суток в терапевтической и максимально терапевтической дозах не показало существенного влияния на нервную систему. По показателям гиперемии и отека кожи и толщины кожной складки феросел Т в профилактической и терапевтических дозах при аппликации на кожу кроликов не вызывало местной раздражающего действия. Разделение инъекция препарата «Феросел Т» субплантарно морским свинкам по 0,1 мл не вызывала отечной реакции лап. В результате проведенных исследований не выявлено аллергенных свойств у препарата «Феросел Т». У лабораторных крыс, которым вводили феросел Т в профилактической дозе возможных изменений коэффициентов массы сердца, печени, селезенки и почек не установлено. У крыс, которым вводили феросел Т в оптимальной терапевтической дозе, по сравнению с контрольными, масса селезенки и печени была соответственно на 10,3 и 6,4% больше. При введении феросела Т в максимально терапевтической дозе масса селезенки и печени была соответственно на 14,0% и 15,0% больше. Полученные результаты исследований указывают о том, что препарат «Феросел Т» является безопасным при применении для профилактики и лечения животных.У статті наведені результати гострої та хронічної токсичності нового феродекстранового препарату «Феросел Т», який у своєму складі містить ферум і селен. Встановлено, що препарат «Феросел Т» в профілактичній і терапевтичній дозах та в дозі в 3 рази більшої за терапевтичну, за перорального введення лабораторним щурам 3 доби поспіль не проявляв токсичної дії. За умов підшкірного введення препарату загибелі білих щурів не було, лише встановлено короткочасне пригнічення лабораторних тварин, яким задавали препарат у дозі 10 мл/кг м.т. Встановлено, що в профілактичній і оптимальній терапевтичній дозах препарат не впливав на детоксикаційну функцію печінки. У щурів, яким феросел Т вводили в максимальній терапевтичній та можливо токсичній дозах, тривалість гексеналового сну була на 32 і 35% більшою відносно контрольних величин. Токсичність фероселу Т також вивчали за показниками подразнювальної дії (за шкірною та кон’юктивальною пробами), алергізуючої дії (метод аплікації на шкіру) та визначали коефіцієнти маси внутрішніх органів за тривалого введення препарату. У тварин, яким вводили феросел Т у дозі 10 мл/кг протягом 21 доби, дещо знижувалася рухова активність. Дослідження емоційно-поведінкових реакцій лабораторних тварин після введення фероселу Т протягом 21 доби у терапевтичній та максимально терапевтичній дозах не показало істотного впливу на нервову систему. За показниками гіперемії і набряку шкіри та товщини шкірної складки феросел Т в профілактичній та терапевтичних дозах при аплікації на шкіру кролів не спричиняв місцевої подразнювальної дії. Роздільна ін'єкція препарату «Феросел Т» субплантарно морським свинкам по 0,1 мл не викликала набряклої реакції лап. У результаті проведених досліджень не виявлено алергенних властивостей у препарата «Феросел Т». У лабораторних щурів, яким вводили феросел Т в профілактичній дозі вірогідних змін коефіцієнтів маси серця, печінки, селезінки і нирок не встановлено. У щурів, яким вводили феросел Т в оптимальній терапевтичній дозі, у порівнянні з контрольними маса селезінки і печінки була відповідно на 10,3 і 6,4% більшою. При введенні фероселу Т у максимально терапевтичній дозі маса селезінки і печінки була відповідно на 14,0 і 15,0% більшою. Одержані результати досліджень вказують про те, що препарат «Феросел Т» є безпечним при застосуванні для профілактики і лікування твари

    Aptamer-based multiplexed proteomic technology for biomarker discovery

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    Interrogation of the human proteome in a highly multiplexed and efficient manner remains a coveted and challenging goal in biology. We present a new aptamer-based proteomic technology for biomarker discovery capable of simultaneously measuring thousands of proteins from small sample volumes (15 [mu]L of serum or plasma). Our current assay allows us to measure ~800 proteins with very low limits of detection (1 pM average), 7 logs of overall dynamic range, and 5% average coefficient of variation. This technology is enabled by a new generation of aptamers that contain chemically modified nucleotides, which greatly expand the physicochemical diversity of the large randomized nucleic acid libraries from which the aptamers are selected. Proteins in complex matrices such as plasma are measured with a process that transforms a signature of protein concentrations into a corresponding DNA aptamer concentration signature, which is then quantified with a DNA microarray. In essence, our assay takes advantage of the dual nature of aptamers as both folded binding entities with defined shapes and unique sequences recognizable by specific hybridization probes. To demonstrate the utility of our proteomics biomarker discovery technology, we applied it to a clinical study of chronic kidney disease (CKD). We identified two well known CKD biomarkers as well as an additional 58 potential CKD biomarkers. These results demonstrate the potential utility of our technology to discover unique protein signatures characteristic of various disease states. More generally, we describe a versatile and powerful tool that allows large-scale comparison of proteome profiles among discrete populations. This unbiased and highly multiplexed search engine will enable the discovery of novel biomarkers in a manner that is unencumbered by our incomplete knowledge of biology, thereby helping to advance the next generation of evidence-based medicine

    The 2001 Superoutburst of WZ Sagittae

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    We report the results of a worldwide campaign to observe WZ Sagittae during its 2001 superoutburst. After a 23-year slumber at V=15.5, the star rose within 2 days to a peak brightness of 8.2, and showed a main eruption lasting 25 days. The return to quiescence was punctuated by 12 small eruptions, of ~1 mag amplitude and 2 day recurrence time; these "echo outbursts" are of uncertain origin, but somewhat resemble the normal outbursts of dwarf novae. After 52 days, the star began a slow decline to quiescence. Periodic waves in the light curve closely followed the pattern seen in the 1978 superoutburst: a strong orbital signal dominated the first 12 days, followed by a powerful /common superhump/ at 0.05721(5) d, 0.92(8)% longer than P_orb. The latter endured for at least 90 days, although probably mutating into a "late" superhump with a slightly longer mean period [0.05736(5) d]. The superhump appeared to follow familiar rules for such phenomena in dwarf novae, with components given by linear combinations of two basic frequencies: the orbital frequency omega_o and an unseen low frequency Omega, believed to represent the accretion disk's apsidal precession. Long time series reveal an intricate fine structure, with ~20 incommensurate frequencies. Essentially all components occurred at a frequency n(omega_o)-m(Omega), with m=1, ..., n. But during its first week, the common superhump showed primary components at n (omega_o)-Omega, for n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (i.e., m=1 consistently); a month later, the dominant power shifted to components with m=n-1. This may arise from a shift in the disk's spiral-arm pattern, likely to be the underlying cause of superhumps. The great majority of frequency components ... . (etc., abstract continues)Comment: PDF, 54 pages, 4 tables, 21 figures, 1 appendix; accepted, in press, to appear July 2002, PASP; more info at http://cba.phys.columbia.edu

    Asian dust events of April 1998

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    On April 15 and 19, 1998, two intense dust storms were generated over the Gobi desert by springtime low-pressure systems descending from the northwest. The windblown dust was detected and its evolution followed by its yellow color on SeaWiFS satellite images, routine surface-based monitoring, and through serendipitous observations. The April 15 dust cloud was recirculating, and it was removed by a precipitating weather system over east Asia. The April 19 dust cloud crossed the Pacific Ocean in 5 days, subsided to the surface along the mountain ranges between British Columbia and California, and impacted severely the optical and the concentration environments of the region. In east Asia the dust clouds increased the albedo over the cloudless ocean and land by up to 10-20%, but it reduced the near-UNI cloud reflectance, causing a yellow coloration of all surfaces. The yellow colored backscattering by the dust eludes a plausible explanation using simple Mie theory with constant refractive index. Over the West Coast the dust layer has increased the spectrally uniform optical depth to about 0.4, reduced the direct solar radiation by 30-40%, doubled the diffuse radiation, and caused a whitish discoloration of the blue sky. On April 29 the average excess surface-level dust aerosol concentration over the valleys of the West Coast was about 20-50 mug/m(3) with local peaks \u3e 100 mug/m(3). The dust mass mean diameter was 2-3 mum, and the dust chemical fingerprints were evident throughout the West Coast and extended to Minnesota. The April 1998 dust event has impacted the surface aerosol concentration 2-4 times more than any other dust event since 1988. The dust events were observed and interpreted by an ad hoc international web-based virtual community. It would be useful to set up a community-supported web-based infrastructure to monitor the global aerosol pattern for such extreme aerosol events, to alert and to inform the interested communities, and to facilitate collaborative analysis for improved air quality and disaster management

    Evaluation of the MOCAGE Chemistry Transport Model during the ICARTT/ITOP Experiment

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    We evaluate the Meteo-France global chemistry transport 3D model MOCAGE (MOdele de Chimie Atmospherique a Grande Echelle) using the important set of aircraft measurements collected during the ICARRT/ITOP experiment. This experiment took place between US and Europe during summer 2004 (July 15-August 15). Four aircraft were involved in this experiment providing a wealth of chemical data in a large area including the North East of US and western Europe. The model outputs are compared to the following species of which concentration is measured by the aircraft: OH, H2O2, CO, NO, NO2, PAN, HNO3, isoprene, ethane, HCHO and O3. Moreover, to complete this evaluation at larger scale, we used also satellite data such as SCIAMACHY NO2 and MOPITT CO. Interestingly, the comprehensive dataset allowed us to evaluate separately the model representation of emissions, transport and chemical processes. Using a daily emission source of biomass burning, we obtain a very good agreement for CO while the evaluation of NO2 points out incertainties resulting from inaccurate ratio of emission factors of NOx/CO. Moreover, the chemical behavior of O3 is satisfactory as discussed in the paper

    Breaking the habit - the peculiar 2016 eruption of the unique recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a

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    Since its discovery in 2008, the Andromeda galaxy nova M31N 2008-12a has been observed in eruption every single year. This unprecedented frequency indicates an extreme object, with a massive white dwarf and a high accretion rate, which is the most promising candidate for the single-degenerate progenitor of a type-Ia supernova known to date. The previous three eruptions of M31N 2008-12a have displayed remarkably homogeneous multi-wavelength properties: (i) From a faint peak, the optical light curve declined rapidly by two magnitudes in less than two days; (ii) Early spectra showed initial high velocities that slowed down significantly within days and displayed clear He/N lines throughout; (iii) The supersoft X-ray source (SSS) phase of the nova began extremely early, six days after eruption, and only lasted for about two weeks. In contrast, the peculiar 2016 eruption was clearly different. Here we report (i) the considerable delay in the 2016 eruption date, (ii) the significantly shorter SSS phase, and (iii) the brighter optical peak magnitude (with a hitherto unobserved cusp shape). Early theoretical models suggest that these three different effects can be consistently understood as caused by a lower quiescence mass-accretion rate. The corresponding higher ignition mass caused a brighter peak in the free-free emission model. The less-massive accretion disk experienced greater disruption, consequently delaying re-establishment of effective accretion. Without the early refueling, the SSS phase was shortened. Observing the next few eruptions will determine whether the properties of the 2016 outburst make it a genuine outlier in the evolution of M31N 2008-12a

    Orbital Observations of Dust Lofted by Daytime Convective Turbulence

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    Over the past several decades, orbital observations of lofted dust have revealed the importance of mineral aerosols as a climate forcing mechanism on both Earth and Mars. Increasingly detailed and diverse data sets have provided an ever-improving understanding of dust sources, transport pathways, and sinks on both planets, but the role of dust in modulating atmospheric processes is complex and not always well understood. We present a review of orbital observations of entrained dust on Earth and Mars, particularly that produced by the dust-laden structures produced by daytime convective turbulence called “dust devils”. On Earth, dust devils are thought to contribute only a small fraction of the atmospheric dust budget; accordingly, there are not yet any published accounts of their occurrence from orbit. In contrast, dust devils on Mars are thought to account for several tens of percent of the planet’s atmospheric dust budget; the literature regarding martian dust devils is quite rich. Because terrestrial dust devils may temporarily contribute significantly to local dust loading and lowered air quality, we suggest that martian dust devil studies may inform future studies of convectively-lofted dust on Earth